Now Lehman College (since 1968) in the NW Bronx, near Van Cortland Park, the buildings shown here (Old Gymnasium, Davis Hall, Gillet Hall, Music Bldg) formed the original Bronx campus for Hunter College (formed in 1873 in Manhattan, Lexington and 68/69
Sts.), which expanded out of Manhattan in the 1920s into Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island, and lastly in the 1930s, The Bronx. Built in 1932, architects Thompson, Holmes & Converse. Fine door treatment on Davis Hall.
Primarily a women's college until the 1950s, during WWII, it was home of the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) and SPARS (US Coast Guard Women's Reserve, derived from
Semper Paratus). Note WAVES plaque above main door on Music Bldg. The Navy leased the campus to train 95,000 women. In 1946, when the Navy left, the UN
Security Council held sessions on campus.
hi hunter college